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Federal Budget 2019-20 Summary

Budget summary Federal Budget 2019-20
Overview On 2 April 2019, the Government handed down the 2019-20 Federal Budget. The focus of the 2019-20 Budget is a plan for a stronger economy and securing a better future. In last year's Budget, the Government commented that just as most households had to tighten their budgets over r...

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Making money and doing good - the rise of sustainable and impact investing

  There is no doubt that interest in responsible investments is growing. Not only in Australia but globally, investors are increasingly interested in how a company makes its money not simply how much it makes. Whilst some investors may focus on the longer-term viability of a company and its behaviour, others may hold particular v...

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How to make a Financial Plan

  Making a plan with your finances means you can start to get ahead financially. But a financial plan also helps you to manage life events such as buying a home, having kids, paying for education, or planning for retirement, without having to sacrifice the future that you want. The right financial plan can help you minimise the b...

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BT Super Guide

  BT has released an easy to read guide providing information on different types of superannuation strategies. With the end of financial year fast approaching, this guide is a must read for those looking to take advantage of the benefits offered by making superannuation contributions. /images/BT-Super-guide.pdf ...

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Federal Budget 2018-19 Summary

Federal Budget 2018-19 Summary Overview On 8 May 2018, the Government delivered the 2018-19 Federal Budget, and it would be reasonable to say that this Budget starts to lay a foundation for the next Federal election. The focus of the budget was building a stronger economy by creating jobs and guaranteeing essential services. As mo...

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John keeps us feeing informed; employs sound financial and effective practices and strategies. He treats our financial wellbeing as he would his own. He takes an active management approach and is not content to just let the fund managers do the work.

Jenni, Mackay

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